Canossian Daughters of Charity

June 19, 2023

This is the day the Lord has made punctuated the 8-day annual retreat of the 10 Junior Sisters and a group of Senior Sisters on June 19th with the joyful renewal of two Junior Sisters Marjorie Laurio of Philippine Province and Maria Virginia Soares of East Timor Province. The Eucharistic Celebration was presided by their retreat facilitator, Fr. Gregory Short, OMV.  Sr. Lilia Nuesca, Provincial Leader, received their renewal of vows together with her Councilors Sr. Magdalena Larcia and Sr. Charito Balancin. The Senior Sisters also renewed their vows after the renewal. Sr. Maria Virginia arrived from East Timor last May 29th together with Sr. Victoria Soares, also a Junior Sister. They will be in Paco community and study at Adamson University for a college degree in Education.

We thank the Lord for the gift of these our young Sisters who are sustained by His grace and who respond generously to His call to love Him and serve Him in our brothers and Sisters especially the poor.