Canossian Daughters of Charity

March 31, 2022

May the road rise to meet you. May God hold you in the palm of his hand.  These were  the blessing words of the Sisters of Paco community as they sent off Sr. Emma Ruth Ancheta to her mission ad gentes in Chihuahua, Mexico.  The Sisters prayed for her in a special morning liturgy  led by Sr. Amelia Manlusoc, Community Leader and a special blessing at Mass by Fr. William Azul D. Encelan, CM.  She left the country on the evening of March 31st.  In this new mission she will be a member of Cristo Rey Province USA-Mexico.  Sr. Emma Ruth used to be a missionary in the health ministry of the Archdiocese of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea until 2017.  Then she was called for temporary service to Rome, Italy to accompany the young international volunteers.  In 2020, she returned to the Philippines and helped in the health ministry of the Province.  With prompt obedience to M. General, M. Annamaria Babbini, she responded to the call of mission ad gentes to Mexico.  In Mexico, she will join another Filipina missionary, Sr. Jocelyn Densing.  We accompany you, Sr. Emma Ruth,  with our prayers for a fruitful missionary endeavors of making Jesus known and loved among our Mexican brothers and sisters.