Canossian Daughters of Charity

August 14, 2023

We are blessed today, on the memorial of St. Maximillian Kolbe, to witness the renewal of the vows of SR. EMERLYN GAWAT from Calamba community and SR. JOAN SIERRA from Sta. Rosa community as they commit themselves again to follow Christ as Canossian Daughters of Charity in the service of the poor. Sr. Maria Louella Olarte, FdCC, Junior Mistress, prepared them with a recollection day. Fr. Allan Dizon, FdCC presided over the Eucharistic Celebration at the Hiyas community in San Juan and urged them to give themselves to Christ till the end like what St. Maximilian Kolbe did. Sr. Lilia Nuesca, FdCC, Provincial Leader, received their renewal of vows together with her Councilors, Sr. Magdalena Larcia and Sr. Charito Balancin. A fellowship breakfast after Mass followed together with the Council and San Juan community. Congratulations, Sr. Emer and Sr. Joan. Keep on loving without measure.