Canossian Daughters of Charity

March 3, 2022
The Province communication team composed of Sr. Magdalena Larcia, Sr. Magnolia Nuncio and Sr. Maricriz Manila attended a webinar on communication on March 3, 2022.  It was organized by the Institute through the Communication Coordinator, Sr. Daniela Balzarotti with General Councilor, Sr. Sandra Maggiolo. This was attended by 52 other Sisters from the Canossian world representing each Province of the Institute.  Sr. Daniela emphasized the purpose of communication among Sisters, communities and Provinces, namely to foster union of hearts, sense of belonging and family spirit, love for the charism, value the works and our community life.  She gave recommendations how to use various group chats, website and other social platforms subscribed by the Institute.  She also encouraged the Provinces to contribute articles in Vita Piu’, the institute’s newsletter. This webinar is timely as the Province puts its efforts in developing our website together with other social platforms like facebook, youtube and Instagram. These platforms will help us connect with one another and with the Canossian world in real time.