Canossian Daughters of Charity

SPECIAL MINISTRIES: Attentive to the Signs of the Times

Imitating Magdalene, a ‘prophet of her time’, the expert in reading the signs of the times and the innovator of fresh and suitable responses to new emerging needs, we too are attentive to listen, with an open heart and outstretched hands, to the new demands made by society within every culture.

As Servants of the Poor, we dedicate ourselves especially to all those whom Magdalene called “our Masters”. Our commitment to them urges us to work for justice, peace and integrity of creation, for it is the poor who are most adversely affected by the absence of these human and Gospel values. Our preferential option for the poor bears witness to the sincerity of our response to Christ’s love. (RL No. 53)

Cagayan de Oro Community: Balay Canossa (BCFI) Orphanage

Canossian Sisters community in Cagayan de Oro was opened in 1983 in Sto. Niño Parish in Cogon through the invitation of Archbishop Patrick Cronin to assist in the Parish pastoral ministries. After a year, Archbishop Cronin formally entrusted the administration of the House of Friendship orphanage to the Canossian Sisters. This mandate was welcomed by the Sisters who considered it a privilege and a blessing to serve the poor in the lives of abandoned children and children with disabilities. The Sisters have also been engaged in caring for the street kids in the market area since 1990 by giving them a shelter where they can stay for feeding, human and spiritual formation or tutoring for those who are under the scholarship program. Since the rented house in the market place has become inhabitable, the market children’s formation was transferred to Lapasan in 2019. In 1991 the Sisters transferred from Cogon to a new site in Brgy. Lapasan where Canossa Kindergarten and Day Care Center was established to give catholic education to poor children in the vicinity. On the other hand, the House of Friendship was transferred to Brgy. Tablon where Balay Canossa was also established as a temporary shelter for street kids who would like to finish their studies. However, due to flooding and hazardous factory activities going on in the area, Balay Canossa and House of Friendship were transferred to Lapasan in 2017. The Canossian Fathers’ seminary was opened in the same compound in 2008. Today, this campus has the Sisters’ convent, Canossa Kindergarten, House of Friendship, Balay Canossa (BCFI), the market children formation site and Canossian Fathers’ seminary. Its services are all geared to make Jesus known and loved especially to the most in need.

Canossa Galva Ville Housing Project, Calamba City

Canossa Galva Ville Housing Project was born as a response to the victims of super typhoon Ondoy which struck the country on September, 2009. One of the adversely hit places was Sitio Ronggot in Lecheria, Calamba along Laguna Lake. The Canossian Sisters in Calamba responded promptly and networked with various agencies to help the affected homeless families through rescue operations, feeding at evacuation center, setting up of sleeping quarters and provision of medicines. When the basic relief assistance was organized, the next move was the provision of long-term assistance through livelihood projects and housing project. Seeing the plight of the people in sitio Ronggot who have always been in danger during typhoons, the Sisters sought ways to relocate them in a safer place but nearby their source of income which is fishing and harvesting kangkong. The Housing Project was in partnership with various institutions like Gawad Kalinga, Pontifical Mission society, Union Galva Steel Corporation. Construction of houses through sweat equity of the beneficiaries and volunteer groups began in 2010 and 45 houses were completed in 2013. Community organizing, human and spiritual formation and livelihood projects are the pastoral care given by the Sisters of Calamba community to the families to build a Christian community and become self-reliant.

Canossa Ville Housing Project, Palo, Leyte

When super typhoon Yolanda hit the Province of Leyte on November, 2013, the Canossian Sisters were one of the many groups of people who promptly responded to give basic relief goods. The Palo Pastoral Disaster Command Center assigned to them the community in Sitio Bachao, Barangay Candahug, Palo where the people suffered tremendously from the storm surge. After further needs assessment, the rebuilding of houses was foreseen as the only need that will help in longer term rehabilitation. Through the help of alumni, Canossian houses abroad, and other donors, the Canossa Ville was gradually developed in a relocated area in Barangay Castilla, Palo, 12 kilometers from Bachao. Two Sisters were assigned to the site to supervise the project and organize the people. Construction of 52 houses began in 2014 and completed in 2016 through the help of the various government and non-government organizations and the beneficiaries through ‘sweat equity’. Community organizing was another aspect of pastoral care to unite the families who will live in Canossa Ville. Canossa Volunteer Philippines (CVP) also came to attend to the children through catechism and youth formation. In 2016, three Sisters were sent as a canonical community to live with the people for pastoral care, community organizing and explore various income generating projects to help the community become self-reliant and rise from typhoon Yolanda disaster. One of the Sisters has been assigned in the catechetical ministry of the Archdiocese. The journey continues for the families in Canossa Ville toward fullness of life, in its pursuit of empowerment, sustainability, improved quality of life and well-being as well as a community of faith.

Other Special Ministries


From the beginning of the history of the Institute, attention has been given to the social problems that are linked to the promotion of the poor, justice and peace. Such realities have been objects of specific apostolic interventions in various parts of the world and within our country.

The Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission study and deepen social justice issues and provide guidelines that would help us respond, in fidelity to our charism, to the challenges of our times. The Sisters in all the communities together with their lay partners have been involved in promoting various JPIC values to foster a style of life that is more coherent with the Gospel and to carry out concrete projects in response to new forms of poverty with a passion for JPIC continually nurtured and lived in local and global realities.

Canossa Volunteer Philippines

Canossa Volunteer Philippines (CVP) envisions its members who are young people, as integrally formed persons witnessing God’s unconditional love at the service of the church in her evangelizing mission. In openness to the newness of the spirit, they commit themselves to foster personal growth in freedom and responsibility and to live as powerful witnesses to the Gospel of Love in fraternal relationship, in solidarity with the mission of the Church, with concern for justice, peace and integrity of creation while seeking always and everywhere the well-being of persons. The CVP program aims at tapping, understanding, strengthening and directing young people’s energies and potentials towards a deeper religious experience and a discovery of one’s mission in life through sharing of life, talents, insights, realizations, exposure and insertion into different realities and situations, particularly among the poor.



Youth Ministry(YM) is a privileged way of ministering to, for, with and by the young. As “Kalakbay”, we accompany the youth towards encountering and strengthening their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. YM is composed of Canossian Sisters, young & young adults who with their inner joy and ardent zeal collaborate with the Church in her comprehensive effort to serve a broad range of the needs of the young people in the aspects of: Word, Worship, Creating Community, Guidance & Healing, Advocacy and Social Action. In a stance of welcome, gentleness and friendship it fosters team effort in ministering to, with, by and for the young. Thus, leading them towards the heart of the Crucified Love. Its goals are to establish and strengthen youth relationship with Christ (being more), to provide opportunities for personal growth (giving more) and to encourage community involvement that leads to social transformation (daring more). Its Mission is to make Jesus known and loved to their fellow youth and the community they serve, in a style that is Christ –centered, personal, welcoming, youth-friendly, participative and freeing for life.