Canossian Daughters of Charity

April 11, 2022

“Come Home to God’s Heart” is an invitation to come home where we belong, to come home to the truth for which we were created. The Lenten recollection for our benefactors, friends, alumni, and mission partners on Monday, April 11, 2022 (8:30-11:00 AM) with the theme “Come Home to God’s Heart” is very apt this Holy Week so that we can truly experience how big the heart of God is to take us all in and how stretched His arms to receive us in His heart. He is indeed waiting for us to come home to Him.

In her inspirational message, Sr. Lilia Nuesca, FdCC welcomed with delight more than 100 participants (via zoom) and 50+ participants joining live streaming via FB account of our province here and abroad. She gave the participants a brief orientation about our ministries of charity where we “make Jesus known and loved” which they are very much part of.
The Commission on Spiritual Exercises accompanied our friends, mission partners, and benefactors as they reflected on what they heard from our recollection facilitator no less than the generous Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD. The participants were very grateful and happy because of this chance to attend this activity which for them is a great opportunity to deepen their faith and their relationship with God.

Some of the points tackled by Fr. Jerry which they claimed are helpful in their spiritual journey are the following:
– Conversion begins with the need to listen.
– Change mindset so that the bad habits will also be changed slowly
– Prayer since everything is a grace. We are encouraged to pray for blessings of faith, humility, and perseverance to continue on amidst personal challenges and struggles.
– Be thankful and humble always even in times of trials and sufferings and claim the gift of hope that comes from Christ, our savior, and redeemer.

-Sr. Violeta Calingasan, FdCC