Canossian Daughters of Charity

15th September 1992 – 15th September 2022

“Walking together towards gutpela sindaun (fullness of life) in PNG Mission”

The celebration of the feast of our Patroness, Our Lady of Sorrows, 15th September 2022 marked the 30th year of the Canossian presence in Papua New Guinea mission. We remember with much fondness and gratitude our pioneering Sisters Sonia Sangel, Benita Esguerra and Josephine Resmeros as well as the other Sisters who bravely responded to come to this land of the unexpected to make Jesus known and loved.

The main celebrant of the Eucharistic Celebration was our Parish Priest, Fr. Marcin Wróbel CM.  The Mass was held at the Sacred Heart Teachers’ College (former Canossa School of Life). Inviting him to lead in the celebration signifies how important it is to walk together in the local church and at the same time inspiringly motivates us to widen our sphere of influence to make Jesus known and loved to all. As ever, the call for evangelization remains a continuous challenge from the time the Canossian Sisters set foot on the ground in the Melanesian culture to the current call of walking together.