Canossian Daughters of Charity

May 7, 2023

Bannering the theme “Set Life on Fire” the Canossian communities of Mindanao composed of Cagayan de Oro Community, Don Carlos Community and the Malaybalay Community as host, gathered to launch the celebration of the year-long 250th birthday celebration of St. Magdalene of Canossa last May 6-7, 2023.
On May 6th afternoon, a Prayer in the Way of Taizé, facilitated by Sr. Marichel Pulido, FdCC commenced the launching celebration. It was held at the Diocesan Formation Center, Impalambong, Malaybalay City. This was preceded by animation dances led by the Diocesan Youth Animators as the participants were arriving. The Worship Concert followed introducing the life of St. Magdalene of Canossa performed by the Disciples of Adonai Band, and produced by the generous and dedicated members of the Singles for Christ – Bukidnon Chapter. St. Magdalene’s charism and works of charity rooted in the love of the Crucified Christ were highlighted during the concert. Despite the heavy downpour, there were about 200 participants who came to the event composed of the Canossian Sisters, Canossian Fathers and Seminarians together with the Lay Canossians, family members, scholars, youth, volunteers, friends, lay collaborators and mission partners. Both the Taize’ prayer and the Worship concert were live-streamed via Canossa Malaybalay Facebook Account. Cagayan de Oro and Don Carlos participants stayed overnight at the Canossa Youth Formation Center for the next day’s activities.
A Walk Parade with Magdalene from Canossa Youth Formation Center to the San Isidro Cathedral was held on the next day for the 9am Mass. The presence of little St. Magdalene and little St. Bakhita with little Canossian Priests and Sisters carrying the decorated frame of St. Magdalene, added delight to those present in the parade.
The 9:00am Mass in the Cathedral was full of church goers and very timely to introduce the life of St. Magdalene of Canossa to the catholic faithful. Moreover, videos about the Canossian Sisters and their different ministries, were played while waiting for the Mass to begin. The Eucharist, which was live-streamed via the Cathedral Facebook page, was presided by Most Reverend Bishop Noel P. Pedregosa, D.D, bishop of Malaybalay. Rev. Fr. Julius Tumayao, FdCC and Fr. Jephy Simbajon, FdCC concelebrated with him. In his homily, Bishop Noel expressed his deep joy for the launching of the year-long 250th birthday celebration of St. Magdalene, the Mother and Foundress of the Canossian Congregation which is centered on works of charity in the love of Christ Crucified, which led to the foundation of many Canossian Schools and Pastoral Communities around the world, especially in the Philippines. He emphasized in his homily that as Christian Catholics, we are called be like St. Magdalene, who made a fundamental choice to make the kingdom of God supreme in her life, other concerns in life as secondary. He explained meaningfully God’s calling for all Christian Catholics to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:33-34).
After the Eucharistic Celebration, there was fellowship lunch held at the Canossa Youth Formation Center, where everybody enjoyed the simple meal in the midst of laughter and conversations. There were greetings and hugs as some of the attendees were reunited with their old friends and acquaintances whom they had not seen for a long time. Indeed, it was a morning filled with joy and gratitude that concluded the event.
Special thanks are accorded to our dear sponsors, working team and volunteers for making the two-day event possible through your giftedness, generosity and sacrifices. Above all, we thank the Lord through the intercession of St. Magdalene of Canossa for blessing this endeavor. Like St. Magdalene of Canossa, let us continue to make Jesus known and loved.

– Jessie G. Suson,/ Sr. Marichel Pulido, FdCC