Canossian Daughters of Charity

June 17, 2023

The gift of 50 years is a cause for a great celebration.  Canossa Health & Social Center (CHSC) in Tondo, Manila celebrated its Jubilee on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on June 17, 2023, with a Eucharistic Celebration held in MagVille Chapel,  led by Fr. Giovanni Gentilin, FdCC, an Italian missionary to the Philippines who served in Tondo for 21 years.  Fr. Rey Daguitera, Vicar Delegate of the Canossian Fathers and Parish Priest of San Pablo Apostol Parish, concelebrated with him.  Fr. Giovanni extolled the zeal and hard work of the Sisters in ministering to this community and the Parish, particularly in the health ministry.  If others dreaded this district, he recalled how the Sisters find it a part of the Kingdom of God all through these years.  After the Mass, the Jubilee program followed where Sr. Nancy Tagle, Community Leader, welcomed the assembly and cited the services rendered by CHSC these 50  years from its humble beginnings in an apartment to the present premises, with gratitude to all the lay partners, benefactors, volunteer physicians, and volunteer health workers.  Sr. Lilia Nuesca, Provincial Leader, shared her inspirational message rooted in the zeal and courage of the pioneer Sisters – M. Maria Fracasso, Sr. Julia Untalan, and Sr. Necitas Esguerra followed by a cohort of equally zealous Sisters through the years and generous benefactors who put up CHSC.  Their examples inspire us to follow them in that life shall not be complete if it has not served without recompense. 

During the program, the youth of the Parish rendered songs and music.  Sr. Nancy Tagle with Sr. Lilia Nuesca awarded Certificates of Appreciation to all lay mission partners and Sisters who have been supportive of CHSC for many years.  The Sisters had raffle draws with exciting prizes.  A sumptuous lunch was served to all on the Center premises. 

Congratulations, CHSC community.  You have seen Tondo in its direst condition since the first community of Sisters began the ministry.  Many conditions have improved since then but the needs of the poor remain immense.  Your mission to make Jesus known and loved continues with God’s abiding presence and providence among you.