Canossian Daughters of Charity

February 20, 2024

In a momentous ceremony filled with solemnity and hope, the Canossian Daughters of Charity Sacred Heart Province (Philippines-PNG) recently bore witness to the installation of its new Provincial Council. This transformative encounter beckons the community to step into a new phase in their collective life and mission, embracing the designated Servant-leaders with open hearts. As the Sacred Heart Province extends a warm embrace to Sisters Estrella Torres Vasquez, Maria Louella Morales Olarte, Luzviminda Giron Mojica, and Maria Elena Alvarez Adre—who have graciously accepted the mantle of governance for the next three years—the atmosphere resonates with sincere and ardent support. The new Provincial Council, entrusted with guiding the spiritual and communal endeavors of the Province, stepped into their roles with a profound sense of responsibility and dedication.

The installation ceremony, attended by members of various communities, radiated a sense of anticipation and renewal. The gathering serves as a harmonious expression of unity as the Canossian community comes together to affirm their commitment to the new Provincial Council. This installation signifies more than a mere shift in leadership; it represents a deepening of purpose and a rekindling of the flame, setting life on fire and propelling the Sacred Heart Province forward in its sacred mission.

Following the installation, the spiritual crescendo continued with the Eucharistic Celebration, presided over by Rev. Fr. Francis Gustilo, SDB. In his homily, Fr. Francis artfully wove a narrative of gradual transformation, urging the community to emulate the divine by becoming instruments of God’s grace for others. The Eucharistic Celebration evolved into a sacred tableau, illustrating the profound interconnectedness of service, faith, and the gradual molding of hearts into vessels of divine love.

As the Eucharistic celebration drew to a close, the newly appointed Provincial Leader, Sr. Estrella, took center stage, delivering words of gratitude and prayerful wishes for the Province. Her words echoed the anticipation of a fruitful and spiritually enriching journey ahead, emphasizing unity, dedication, and a shared commitment to the mission.

In this sacred symphony of renewal, the Canossian Daughters of Charity, inspired by the legacy of their Foundress, St. Magdalene of Canossa, embark on a journey guided by faith, unity, and a deep commitment to their mission, fostering a promising future that reflects the essence of their unwavering dedication to “make Jesus known and loved.”

Congratulations, Sisters Esther, Loi, Luz, and Yel! Rest assured of your Sisters’ continuous prayers for each one of you. 


Sr. Cres Precious O. Pereña, FdCC