Lay Canossians
St. Magdalene of Canossa, our Mother Foundress, in her contemplation of the total availability of Christ Crucified, was inspired to make this known to all her daughters” .. for persons dedicated to charity the perfect obedience becomes absolutely indispensable …” (UR p. 74)
Yes! Each Lay Canossian who is called to live like the Crucified, understands the words of our Foundress as an invitation to follow the way of obedience which is expressed in a “YES” that communicates a willingness to become faithful and committed instrument of God’s Greatest Love… to tell the World Of His Love.
Yes! We will tell the world of His Greatest Love so that Christ may be known and loved wherever we are: in the family, in the world of work, in culture, in politics and economics. Wherever we are, we have a chance to practice being obedient to God’s will. As baptized Christians, we have committed ourselves to a holy life, a life as children of God… “be HOLY as the Father is HOLY”.
Ours is a universal call to holiness, a life lived in obedience to the task entrusted by the Father. In every way possible, as a Lay Canossian, I feel the need to be identified with our model: Christ Crucified, most patient, most obedient, most loving and most generous. In order to live by His spirit I need above all: FAITH.
Yes to be obedient also is to have a deep FAITH. A Faith that our actions needed directions towards Him! As Lay Canossians, indeed, a formation is a precious opportunity for us to grow as a holistic person. “Inspice et fac secundum exemplar” (Ex. 25: 40).
In these words, we find the invitation to a journey in faith that can lead us towards becoming true witnesses despite our weaknesses, poverty and inconsistencies.
YES! I do believe every one of us is called in our “ordinary-simple way” to bring forth the authentic essence of “LOVE” manifested by Jesus Christ on the Cross. I am very sure that responding to this call is a “gift” which I have to nurture through fervent prayer and contemplation.
It is the same with everyone. Jesus does not call us just once; He calls us all the time — every hour, every day — continuously challenging us to get out of our comfort zones — through the desert… into the Promised Land.