Canossian Daughters of Charity

February 12, 2022

Sr. Angelita Dimaculangan is a dear sister, friend, mentor, educator, and pastoral worker. She fought a brave and strong battle for ten years but in the last months of her life, cancer would not allow her to get better. She took each day in stride, availing herself of whatever she can do for the community and the ministry, silently enduring pain until the Lord took her to Himself on February 12, 2022 at 76 years old with 46 years of religious life. In His eternal light, there is no more pain nor tears, just blissful presence. 

The wake was held in the Provincialate in Paco and later in Canossa College chapel in San Pablo City where Sisters, priests, relatives, lay partners, and friends came to offer their prayers.  Many people whose lives she touched sent messages of appreciation and gratitude for the kindness and love they witnessed in her.  She was a generous and zealous educator for 43 years and briefly a pastoral worker.   She is lovingly remembered for her good sense of humor, welcoming presence, kind and discreet attention to others’ needs, empowering  the young sisters and lay partners, compassion and love for  the poor.

The funeral Mass was held on February 15 in Canossa College Chapel and was presided by Msgr. Alex Amante.   It was preceded by a solemn Rite of Christian Funeral where her relatives and Sisters placed a white cloth, Crucifix and Bible on her casket. Not many attended in chapel due to pandemic protocols but there were volumes of attendees online.  The liturgy was beautiful. The music was perfect with the sisters’ singing. And the sun was shining in the  cloudless blue sky as we transported her from the chapel to the nearby Sisters’ cemetery.

I have loved you with an everlasting love.”(Jer 33:3) is the scripture verse, very significant for Sr. Angie.  It  was the thread that wove the fabric of her life as she recalled gratefully, “God has always been there though sometimes His presence was not felt.  But I believe He is there and He truly loves me.” As we grieved at her loss, M. General, M. Annamaria Babbini wrote to us,  “The Lord has called her to live the definitive and eternal Easter with Him and already deeply contemplate in the beauty of His face.  We are certain that she intercedes for blessings and graces on the Province and on the whole Institute.”

She is indeed God’s beloved one, now sharing His glory and the joy in Heaven.  Thank you, Sr. Angie for the love you shared with us.  Enjoy the blissful presence of God who is Eternal Love.  We continue to remember you in our prayers and pray for us too.