Canossian Daughters of Charity

December 2, 2023

The Sisters in the Sacred Heart Province gathered for the term-end report of the Provincial Council led by Sr. Lilia Nuesca, FdCC, our Provincial Leader. The morning and part of the afternoon were dedicated to reports from different commissions, shedding light on strengths and areas for improvement in each ministry. This reflection pointed out the Province’s growth and highlighted areas that need our attention to address challenges, helping us live out our identity as Canossians.

At 3 pm, Fr. Greg Bañaga provided thought-provoking insights for the Sisters’ reflection as they bid farewell to 2023 and welcomed 2024. He emphasized the Incarnate Word living among them, challenging each Sister to consider how they embody the WORD, especially in interactions with the poor, daily life, and ministries. Concluding his talk, he urged the community to cast the nets into the deep, encouraging them to look at the future with hope, embracing new opportunities, and meeting new challenges. He posed the question: What more can they do for God?

Following Fr. Greg’s inspiring talk, Fr. Michael Dela Cruz celebrated Mass, providing the Sisters with an opportunity to express gratitude to God as an Institute, a Province, and as individuals striving to live fruitful lives as FdCC. Additionally, they extended thanks to their biological families, recognizing them as the seedbed of their vocation, especially as they celebrated Holy Family Sunday.

After a break for reflection, the Sisters prayed vespers together and shared a silent dinner. The day concluded with Eucharistic Adoration, providing each Sister with a space to commune with Jesus, revisit the past, and welcome 2024 with confidence in God’s guidance.

After all the spiritual nourishment, the Sisters gathered for an Agape, enjoying creative programs that brought laughter to all. On January 1, 2024, the Solemnity of Mary as Mother of God, the community assembled for the Eucharistic Celebration integrated with lauds. Filled with a burning desire to bring Jesus to others, the Sisters returned to their respective communities. Indeed, the gathering was a grace-filled moment that reignited the flame within each Sister, inspiring a renewed commitment to making Jesus known and loved.